Getting a Suntan is very dangerous, but NICE warns you NEED your Vitamin D

NICE have further warned the public about the dangers of sun exposure while getting a suntan.

There is no safe or healthy way to get a tan from sunlight, new guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has warned.

The health watchdog’s latest guidance also says an existing tan provides little protection against sun exposure.

Many adults in Britain have low levels of Vitamin D and the NICE guidance states that some exposure to sunlight can help to build this up.

NICE also says it is not possible to get enough Vitamin D by sitting next to a closed sunny window, or from sunlight between October and March in the UK.

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Happy New Year 2016

We at Halal Treatments would like to wish each and every one of you who search, read, comment and share as well as and take part alongside us a very Happy New Year and we hope that 2016 is a great year.

2015 was a great year for us as we gathered evidence regarding misuse of Halal in terms of the United Kingdom and the NHS and provided you with information on the lack of respect for the term Halal and actual accepted Halal options.

We can only hope that the NHS and patients took notice and bring forward the correct Halal options.

Please note we are now on Twitter, so please give us a follow and a mention to keep up to date with all the goings on at Halal Treatments.