Happy New Year 2016

We at Halal Treatments would like to wish each and every one of you who search, read, comment and share as well as and take part alongside us a very Happy New Year and we hope that 2016 is a great year.

2015 was a great year for us as we gathered evidence regarding misuse of Halal in terms of the United Kingdom and the NHS and provided you with information on the lack of respect for the term Halal and actual accepted Halal options.

We can only hope that the NHS and patients took notice and bring forward the correct Halal options.

Please note we are now on Twitter, so please give us a follow and a mention to keep up to date with all the goings on at Halal Treatments.


Vitamin D: NICE Guidelines on Halal recommendation

The big news about the NICE guidelines is the recognition that Halal supplements must be made readily available to at risk patients.  It follows that healthcare professionals should consider HALAL when recommending or prescribing vitamin D products to Muslim patients, or producing a formulary of vitamin D products.  Muslims in the UK are among the most at risk of vitamin D deficiency and consequently the health conditions associated with vitamin D deficiency.

Professor Mike Kelly, who was involved in producing the NICE guidelines, said: “Around 10 million people in England may have low vitamin D status and so could be at risk of health problems – and they may not know it.”


NICE have clearly defined Halal as

“foods or non-food items such as cosmetics or pharmaceuticals permitted by and prepared according to Islamic law.”

It is presumed that only products carrying independent certification from recognised Halal Certification organisation will be recommended as a Halal option. This is the only way that healthcare professionals can comply with the NICE guidelines.

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